The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of DKI Jakarta Province held its first trial of alleged administrative violations in the form of a fictitious voter list (DPT) for the 2024 General Election with the South Jakarta City KPU reported.
The inaugural trial which took place at the DKI Jakarta Bawaslu office scheduled the reading of the report from the reporter.
During the trial, the spokesman for the reporter Iskandar Halim read out that there were two names, namely Tan Eng Ho and Tan Eng Siong who were registered with the DPT of South Gandaria Village, South Jakarta.
However, according to Iskandar, the two names were not recorded in a letter issued by Cilandak District dated November 10, 2023 and a letter issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the DKI Jakarta Regional Office dated November 3, 2023.
"Based on the letter, both of them did not exist, but were registered with the DPT. Tan Eng Siong at DPT 074 and Tan Eng Hong at DPT 075," Iskandar said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 29.
According to Iskandar, the General Election Commission (KPU) of South Jakarta did not implement Article 19 of the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Preparation of Voter Lists in the Implementation of General Elections and the Voter Data Information System.
Based on Article 19 of PKPU Number 7 of 2022, several things that must be done by the Voter Data Update Officer (Panterih) include matching the voter list on the Voter Model A-Laftar form with the e-KTP and/or KK, recording voter data that meets the requirements but has not been registered on the voter list, improving the voter list in the event of an error.
Then, record voter data that has changed its status from TNI soldiers or members of the National Police to civilians and vice versa, cross out the list of voters who have died, to mark voter data based on e-KTP or KK is not a voter whose address is at the Poltarlih work area TPS.
The trial will continue on Friday (1/12) with the agenda of hearing the response from the reported party as well as submitting witnesses by the complainant.
Previously, the Coordinator of the DKI Jakarta Province Bawaslu Violation Handling Division, Benny Sabdo, when met in Jakarta, Tuesday (28/11), said that his party would take firm action against all types of election violations, including fictitious DPT.
"This election is the sovereignty of the people, the people who choose by entering the DPT. So don't let this DPT be played around," said Benny.
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