JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo called on all parties to maintain the coolness of the 2024 General Election by continuing to strengthen harmony and unity.

"I want simultaneous elections next year, what we are doing, the coolness will continue to be maintained, strengthen harmony and unity; so that democratic parties can be held in a peaceful and quality manner," Jokowi said in his direction at the digital handover ceremony DIPA and the 2024 TKD Allocation List Book at the State Palace, Jakarta, reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, November 29.

Jokowi, previously after planting trees in the City Forests of Pulo Gadung Industrial Estate, East Jakarta, Jakarta, Wednesday morning, also invited all parties to undergo a democratic party by smiling and full of joy, so that the atmosphere of the political year remains safe and conducive.

"Please fight ideas, fight ideas, but with a smile and joy," said Jokowi.

He also hopes that the five-year democratic party in Indonesia can run peacefully and safely.

"We carry out a democratic party with us together, we hope that we will live this democratic party in peace, security, full of smiles, full of joy," he said.

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