JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party requires all cadres to campaign for presidential and vice presidential candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka to remote villages and cities to achieve the target of winning one round.

"Gerindra must take a large portion to win Prabowo. That is why our socialization, our campaign for Pak Prabowo Gibran must be massive," said Gerindra Party Secretary General Ahmad Muzani in a press release, Wednesday, November 29.

This was also conveyed by Muzani while attending the consolidation of Gerindra cadres in Bogor City, yesterday.

According to Muzani, Prabowo-Gibran's victory is the main thing that must be done in other political works. Therefore, he asked that each cadre campaign for Prabowo-Gibran and his priority programs to the villages in each village.

"There is not a single kelurahan that is not affected by Prabowo-Gibran in villages, villages, and in urban alleys. If it is carried out properly, I estimate it will not be difficult for Prabowo-Gibran to win one round," said Muzani.

"Tell the people about Pak Prabowo's priority program. Providing free lunch and milk is the right way to prepare a superior generation towards Indonesia Gold. And overcoming the scarcity of fertilizer for farmers is a way for us to eradicate poverty and food independence," he added.

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