JAKARTA - Chairman of the PDI-P Faction at the DPRD, Gembong Warsono, does not agree with the results of the Median survey regarding the competition for the seat of the Governor of DKI Jakarta.

In the survey, more respondents were satisfied with Anies Baswedan's performance.

According to Gembong, a number of awards that Anies exhibited on his social media were the performance of the previous DKI leaders.

"No achievements have been made by Mr. Anies when talking about performance. Even though Mr. Anies received a myriad of awards, the awards he received were not from the sweat he had while leading Jakarta," said Gembong when contacted, Tuesday, February 16.

For example, when Anies won the 2021 Sustainable Transport Award (STA) for a sustainable public transportation intermodal integration program. According to Gembong, this was contributed by the performance of Joko Widodo and Basuki Tjahaja Purnama when they were governors of DKI.

"For example, an award in the transportation sector, is that 100 percent of Pak Anies' performance? Not really, because this is a sustainable performance," said Gembong.

Then, the river and river dredging program called Gerebek Lumpur, continued Gembong, is also a continuous program. "Before Pak Anies, there had been river dredging too. I see, you know," he added.

For information, the results of the survey by Media Survey Indonesia (Median) show that the performance of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan is satisfactory. Median Research Director Ade Irfan Abdurahman who said 52.5 percent of respondents were satisfied with the work Anies had done during his tenure.

"People who are satisfied with their performance (Anies Baswedan, red) are 52.5 percent, while people who are not satisfied are 32.5 percent. While those who don't know or don't answer are 15.05 percent," said Ade in presenting the survey results entitled ' Jakarta Governor's Seat Tight Competition ', Monday, February 15.

Median noted that as many as 48 percent of respondents wanted Anies to come forward as an incumbent candidate in the DKI Jakarta Pilkada even though the implementation is not yet known in 2022 or 2024. Meanwhile, 38 percent asked Anies to be replaced by another figure and 14 percent did not answer.

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