MANADO - PLN Main Distribution Unit of North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Gorontalo (UID Suluttenggo) reminded the public to be careful in using electricity during the rainy season.

General Manager of PLN UID North Sulawesi, Ari Dartomo, in Manado, Saturday, said that the long dry season that has been going on since mid-2023 has begun to enter the final stage, which means it will enter the rainy season.

He said, according to estimates by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) that several regions in Indonesia had started entering the rainy season, one of which was areas in northern Sulawesi which included North Sulawesi and Gorontalo Provinces.

For this reason, he said, PLN UID North Sulawesi invited the public to start preparing steps to anticipate the possible impacts ranging from puddles, floods, strong winds, to landslides.

"For electricity itself, there are several things that should also be considered when the rainy season arrives, including the installation of electricity for houses, electronic devices, and the construction of electricity networks," he said.

This, he said, is important because water is a conductor who is able to conduct electricity so that it is very vulnerable to causing accidents due to being electrocuted.

Ari Dartomo appealed to the public to get m, BMGem pay attention to these things to avoid various potential electrical hazards during the rainy season.

"Water is a conductor that can conduct electricity, so as much as possible keep various electronic devices or electrical sources in our homes away from water," Dartomo said.

Ari Dartomo also added that if there is a flood or puddle, it starts to enter the house to immediately turn off the electricity at home.

"If the heavy rain that eventually causes puddles and even floods, immediately turn off the electricity at home from the Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) from the house installation or it could also be from kWh meter at home," he said.

If there is a safety threat from the electricity grid due to potential flooding or other extreme weather impacts, so that people can immediately report and request a temporary cessation of electricity supply. This is done to maintain the safety of the community from being electrocuted.

"Keseamatan dan keamanan masyarakat menjadi hal yang utama di sini. Segera laporkan jika ditemukan berbagai potensi bahaya dan kerusakan petugas akan segera melanjutkan untuk mengamankan," tutur Dartomo.

In fact, he invites all customers to be able to use the PLN Mobile application as a means of reporting potential electric hazards and disturbances that may occur during the rainy season.

"If there is a disturbance during the rainy season, it is safer to report via the PLN Mobile application because our officers are directly monitored rather than having to report directly to the PLN office when the weather is not favorable," he said.

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