SURABAYA - The Jombang Police Team, East Java, arrested SBH, 50, the son of a boarding school caretaker in Jombang. The suspect reportedly molested and intercourse with the students in his hut.

"The perpetrator has been arrested at his residence in the Islamic boarding school," said Jombang Police Chief, AKBP Agung Setyo Nugroho, confirmed, Monday, February 15.

Agung said that the suspect's sexual immorality and sexual intercourse lasted for 2 years. The case surfaced after a number of santri guardians reported to the Jombang Police because their children were molested by SBH.

"We have also conducted investigations, for the time being the number of victims has reached six and the possibility is still increasing," said Agung.

Of the six victims, continued Agung, one santriwati became a victim of sexual intercourse, and the remaining five students were victims of sexual abuse.

The victims were 16-17 years old on average. Meanwhile, the method used was by visiting the victim to the girls' dormitory when there were activities in the middle of the night such as midnight prayers.

"The motive is only lust," he said.

The suspect charged with layered articles, namely Article 76 E jo Article 82 paragraphs 1 and 2 of Republic of Indonesia Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning sexual abuse of minors and Article 76 D in conjunction with Article 81 paragraphs 2 and 3 of Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning the intercourse of minors .

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