JAKARTA - Mount Merapi erupted again and spewed ash columns as high as 6,000 meters from its peak. Not only that, hot cloud avalanches also reach 2 kilometers from the upper reaches of Kali Gendol.

Through the information uploaded by the Center for Geological Disaster Research and Technology Development, the Center for Volcanology and Geological Disaster Mitigation (BPPTKG) said the eruption of Mount Merapi occurred at 05:22 WIB. The eruption vibrations were recorded on a seismogram with an amplitude of 75 mm and a duration of 450 seconds.

According to the BPPTKG, the ash avalanche is heading upstream of Kali Gendol with a maximum distance of 2 kilometers. Wind direction from the eruption to the north.

The eruption of the ash column from the eruption of Mount Merapi can also be observed in the eastern region in Musuk, Boyolali, and Solo. BPPTKG appealed to the public to wear masks in areas affected by the ash rain from the eruption of Merapi.

The eruption this time is much bigger than the previous eruption. It was recorded that the last eruption of Merapi occurred on February 13, 2020.

Merapi Alert status has persisted since May 21 2018 until now. Based on data from the BPPTKG PVMBG ESDM, in addition to Merapi, there are three other mountains that are on alert status, namely Mount Karangetang (North Sulawesi), Mount Sinabung (North Sumatra), Mount Agung (Bali).

Airport Closure

The fallout of volcanic ash columns from the eruption of Mount Merapi also resulted in the closure of airports in a number of areas around Yogyakarta. AirNav Indonesia has issued Ashtam number VAWR 9293 and Notam Aerodrome Closed to provide instructions for pilots passing through the eruption area of Mount Merapi.

"We will continue to monitor existing developments. For flights, until now Solo Airport is still affected, and flight closings have been temporarily closed. However, for flights, we have diverted flights to areas not affected by the eruption, ”explained the Director General of Civil Aviation, Novie Riyanto in his statement.

Based on Ashtam VAWR 9293 data released by AirNav Indonesia, the activity of Mount Merapi shows an amplitude of 75mm with a duration of 450 seconds. The eruption column is + - 6,000m high with a movement of 15 knots to the east and 10 knots to the southwest. Meanwhile, for Closed Aerodrome Notam, Solo Airport flights will be closed at 09.25 WIB and will be updated again at 11.30 WIB.

"We will continue to coordinate with AirNav Indonesia to ensure flight activities continue to run normally, along with aviation stakeholders. Keep paying attention to the aspects of flight safety and security, "explained Novie.

For information, based on Ashtam VAWR 9293, volcanic eruption activity shows the Red / Awas level, which means the volcano shows volcanic eruptions are in progress. For international flights, the eruption of Mount Merapi has an impact on flight routes A576S, G461, while for domestic flights it affects routes W17N, W45, and W52.

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