TANJUNG SELOR - Governor of North Kalimantan Zainal A. Paliwang signed the Draft Regional Grant Agreement (NPHD) with the General Election Commission (KPU) and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) Kaltara.

The signing of the NPHD is a follow-up to the Circular Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 900.1.1/16888/Keuda dated September 29, 2023, regarding funding for the election activities for Governors and Deputy Governors, Regents and Deputy Regents as well as Mayors and Deputy Mayors in 2024.

The governor said that the funding for the implementation and supervision of the 2024 Kaltara Provincial Elections had been agreed between the Regional Government Budget Team (TAPD) together with the KPU and Bawaslu of Kaltara Province.

"The KPU of Kaltara Province received Rp. 128,092,355,800 and the Bawaslu of Kaltara Province received Rp. 23,723,122,000. The budget will be disbursed in stages," said the Governor, Thursday, November 9.

The first phase of disbursement is 40% or Rp. 51,211,742,320 for the Kaltara KPU and Rp. 9,489,248,800 for the Kaltara Bawaslu. While the second stage will be disbursed through the 2024 APBD by 60% or 76,817,613,480 for the Kaltara KPU and 14,233,873,200 for the Kaltara Bawaslu.

The governor also said that the implementation of the regional elections was very important so that the implementation of democracy, especially in Kaltara, could run and run well and smoothly.

"Although the amount of the grant of funds budgeted this time has been adjusted, we hope this will not reduce our enthusiasm to continue to hold healthy and dignified elections," said the Governor.

"Hopefully this good collaboration will produce good regional elections and produce election-result leaders with integrity," he concluded

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