JAKARTA - A large crocodile appeared near a residential area in Ganepo Village, Seranau District, East Kotawaringin Regency. The crocodile appeared because of hunger, provoked the smell of garbage around the Mentaya River to the presence of long-tailed monkeys.

When you think of crocodiles, where do you think they live? Can they live anywhere? Do all crocodiles need the same type of environment for their homes? Let's take a look at the following facts, compiled by VOI from various sources.

Crocodiles are the closest living relatives of large dinosaurs. They have only undergone a slight evolution during their 150 million years of life on Earth.

Adapting to Life in Water

Crocodiles can move on land - at surprising speeds, especially when worried or angry - but their bodies are largely adapted for life in water.

The nostrils, eyes and ears are located along the top of the head so that this beast can hear, see, smell and breathe while the whole body is submerged.

When completely underwater, the ears are covered in tiny skins that can be closed to make them waterproof. The nostrils can also be closed by special muscles, and the eyes have a 'third eyelid' which provides protection when diving.

There are special bony wings in the throat that allow the crocodile to eat while submerged or breathe while its jaws are open underwater.

This wild animal can hear, see, smell, and breathe when the whole body is submerged (Photo: Unsplash)

Crocodiles, being cold-blooded reptiles, must avoid extreme temperatures. When it was cold enough, they rested by the river, letting the sun warm their bodies. If the weather is very hot, these animals will move to the shade or water to prevent their bodies from overheating.

They are predators that manage to live in Africa, Australia, Asia, and Central and North America. Each crocodile species has certain needs that make them a little different from other crocodiles, but there are certain things that all crocodiles need to live in their natural environment or habitat.

Warm Temperature

This predator needs to live in a place that is not too cold. Because crocodiles are cold blooded, they depend on air temperature to keep them warm throughout the year.

Crocodiles live in tropical climates. Crocodiles like to live in tropical places such as the forests of Papua New Guinea, or swamps near the Nile. The tropical climate is very warm and humid all year round, perfect for crocodiles.

Crocodiles like to live in tropical places such as the forests of Papua New Guinea, or swamps near the Nile (Photo: Unsplash)

One way to tell if you've found a crocodile home is to check if the water is a little salty. One of the reasons crocodiles are such successful predators is because they can live in places where other reptiles cannot.

Alligators can only live in very fresh water, but crocodiles can live in water that is slightly salty, or brackish. Crocodiles have special glands that help their bodies handle brackish water which alligators don't have. Brackish water is usually found in rivers flowing into the sea.

4 Types of Crocodiles that Live in Indonesia

Reporting from kompas.com, there are 4 types of crocodiles that live in Indonesia. First, estuarine crocodiles, which have the Latin name Crocodylus porosus. This is a type of crocodile that is vicious and dangerous.

They can reach 7–8 meters in size and weigh 200 kilograms. These crocodiles usually live upstream of the river to the sea. Because of his habit of living in the sea or salt water, Australians call it saltwater crocodile.

Crocodylus porosus (Photo: Pixabay)

Second, the Irian crocodile (Crocodylus novaeguneae) that lives in the Papua region. Then, the Kalimantan crocodile (Crocodylus raninus) which is often found on the islands of Borneo. Lastly, the smiley crocodile (Tomistoma schlegelii) on the island of Sumatra. The size of the three types of crocodiles is only 5 meters.

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