JAKARTA - The Central Jakarta Corruption Crime Court (Tipikor) will hold an inaugural hearing on the alleged bribery of the lobster seed export license at the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in 2020.

Meanwhile, the director of PT Dua Putra Perkasa Pratama (PT DPPP) Suharjito was the bribe for Edhy Prabowo when he was the minister of maritime affairs and fisheries will be undergoing trial.

Based on data in the Case Tracking Information System (SIPP), Suharjito's trial was registered with case number 7/Pid.Sus-TPK/2021/PN Jkt.Pst. The plan, the trial will take place on Thursday, February 11.

"The trial on the first agenda (reading of the charges)", was quoted by VOI, Thursday, February 11.

For information, Edhy Prabowo was named a suspect because he was suspected of accepting bribes from companies that obtained a license to export lobster seeds using a forwarder company and were kept in one account up to IDR 9.8 billion.

The money that goes to the account of PT. ACK, which is currently the sole cargo service provider for the export of lobster seeds, is then withdrawn to the accounts of PT. ACK holders, namely Ahmad Bahtiar and Amri, for a total of IDR 9.8 billion.

Furthermore, on November 5, 2020, Ahmad Bahtiar transferred IDR 3.4 billion to the staff account of Edhy's wife, Ainul, which was earmarked for the needs of Edhy, his wife Iis Rosyati Dewi, Safri, and Andreau.

This money is used for shopping for luxury goods by Edhy and his wife in Honolulu, USA from November 21 to 23, 2020, amounting to around IDR 750 million, including Rolex watches, Tumi, and LV bags, road bikes, and Old Navy clothes.

In addition, around May 2020, Edhy was also suspected of receiving 100 thousand US dollars from Suharjito through Safri and Amiril.

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