JAKARTA - Papua Police Chief Inspector General Paulus Waterpauw visits Ramli, a victim of an Armed Criminal Group (KKB) in Bilogai, Intan Jaya Regency who is being treated at the Timika Hospital.

The police chief visited him on Wednesday, February 10 last night accompanied by several officials. Paul asked the patient's condition to the doctor who treated him.

"No projectiles were found on the victim's body, making it easier for doctors to handle medical treatment", said Kapolda Paulus, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 11.

The victim received violence in the form of a shooting by someone suspected of being Undius Kogoya's group. The identification of the perpetrator from the Undius Kogoya group was obtained after the police collected information from several witnesses.

The alleged perpetrator lives not far from the victim's house.

The mode is when the perpetrator arrives, wanting to buy kerosene from the shop owned by the victim. However, when the victim's wife was preparing a jerry can, suddenly a gunshot was heard. Presumably the type of short-range gun.

With clear identification or identity of the perpetrator, it will accelerate the efforts of the team or task force in law enforcement to find and arrest these perpetrators.

"My command there two options, arrest them if they can be arrested if they are not taken firmly and measuredly by the SOP because they have committed violence which has resulted in unrest for the community", said KHead of Regional Police Paulus.

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