JAKARTA - Acting (Plt) Head of the Jakarta Tourism and Creative Economy Agency, Gumilar Ekalaya, was a victim of stabbing by a man with the initials RH. The stabbing took place at the Tourism Office on Wednesday, February 10.

South Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Aziz Adriansyah said that the stabbing incident of Jakarta Governor Jakaarta Anies Baswedan's subordinates began when the perpetrator came to the victim's office. The goal, to talk about something.

"When the perpetrator met with the Acting Tourism Office on the 2nd floor, the perpetrator took out a knife that was carried in his bag and then stabbed the Acting Tourism Officer in the upper thigh," said Aziz in his statement, Wednesday, February 10.

Then, the perpetrator immediately fled. It's just that, while on the 1st floor of the Tourism Office building, the security officers saw the perpetrator with a knife.

So, the security officer immediately dispelled the perpetrators. But the perpetrators actually fought back. "The perpetrator even stabbed the security in the upper left side of the chest and suffered injuries," he said.

Luckily, other security officers immediately came and helped his colleague. Until finally, the perpetrator was successfully secured.

"Until now, it is still under investigation regarding the motive behind the stabbing," said Aziz.

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