Malang Resort Police, East Java, investigated the alleged corruption case of the Mouth and Nail Disease Vaccines (PMK) for the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year in Malang Regency. Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Malang Police AKP Wahyu Rizki Saputro said the police had examined two witnesses related to the alleged corruption. "Currently we have examined two people, namely the head of the service and treasurer," Wahyu said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, October 20. In addition to examining the Head of the Animal Husbandry and Health Service, Eko Wahyu Widodo and Treasurer of the Malang Regency Service, in the near future the police will examine two other witnesses. According to him, the two witnesses who will be examined are parties who are aware of the flow of the PMK vaccine budget in the Malang Regency area. Currently, the Malang Police are still conducting further investigations regarding the alleged corruption case. "Two people later will know about the activity. Later after the examination is complete, we will convey it," he said. Malang Police will involve the Malang Regency Government Inspectorate if it is suspected that there is an indication of a criminal act of corruption. Malang Police are still waiting for further investigation results. "Losses have not yet. Because of this later there needs to be an audit and others. The inspectorate will be involved if indeed the results of the examination lead to a criminal act of corruption. So, whether later the direction will be bribery, or extortion," he said. In 2022 there will be an outbreak of PMK in the East Java region including Malang Regency. In Malang Regency, tens of thousands of livestock are indicated to be exposed to the disease which is then handled by the local government by providing PMK vaccines. As a result of the PMK virus spread, the Malang Regency Government had closed the animal market as an effort to suppress the circulation of the disease caused by the aphthovirus.

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