JAKARTA - The Traffic Corps (Korlantas) Polri will conduct random swab tests at a number of toll rest areas on the island of Java. This is done to anticipate the transmission of COVID-19 during the Chinese New Year (Imlek) holiday.

"In anticipation of the long holiday, we have anticipated it, by doing a random test in the rest area," said the Head of Traffic Police, Inspector General Istiono, in his statement, Wednesday, February 10.

The application of this random swab test, said Istiono, is in line with the Enforcement of Restrictions on Micro Community Activities (PPKM). Because, the implementation of health protocols will be considered starting from the smallest communities in society.

In terms of traffic, the smallest community can be defined as the passengers of public transportation. So, their health needs to be checked to avoid COVID-19.

Moreover, the examination or swab test also refers to the Circular of the Minister of Home Affairs number 3 of 2021 concerning the implementation of Micro PPKM. The circular regulates this matter.

"So SE 3 specifically for Bali is mandatory, both land and air. Then for Java it is random, then for public and private it is also random (random test)," he said.

For your information, the Chinese new year falls on Friday, February 12. However, this is included in the long holiday category because it coincides with the weekend.

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