Brutes, 5 These Youths Arrange And Rape Young Girls In Jeneponto, South Sulawesi
The perpetrator of rape of a young girl in Jeneponto (below) arrested by the police (DOK. Police)

MAKASSAR - Five youths in Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi (Sulsel) locked up and raped an 11 year old girl. The perpetrators were arrested by the police.

Kasubdit IV of the South Sulawesi Regional Police, Kompol Supriyanto said the five perpetrators of the rape had the initials Rm, Ta, Na, Tak, and Ip. The five youths stayed.

The police explained that the detention and rape of this minor began when one of the perpetrators invited the victim to go to the Turatea park in Jeneponto.

"Initially, one of the perpetrators asked the victim to take a walk to Turatea Park," said Supriyanto, Police Commissioner, to reporters, Tuesday, February 9.

However, on the way, the perpetrator did not take the victim to the park but instead took the victim to one of the perpetrators' houses.

"The perpetrator did not take the victim to the park, but to the perpetrator's house and was locked up in the room. Then the perpetrator and his friends forced the victim to have intercourse in turns," he said.

This rape took place on January 3. The victim's family reported the incident to the police until the perpetrator was finally arrested.

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