SITUBONDO - The perpetrator of the illegal logging that occurred in Balan National Park managed to escape after the officers caught the action. However, the results of the logging were successfully secured.
Balan National Park officers secured evidence in the form of six logs with a diameter of 45 cm and a length of 2 meters.
Head of the Baluran National Park Center Situbondo Johan Setiawan said a number of national park officers arrested a pickup truck carrying stolen logs in the conservation forest on Friday, October 6, early in the morning at around 01.30 WIB in the Paleran Block (Pantura Situbondo-Banyuwangi highway).
"When our officers arrested the pickup with teak wood, the driver of the vehicle (the perpetrator) ran away and we couldn't catch it," said Johan, quoted from Antara.
According to Johan, in addition to securing evidence of stolen teak wood in the forest area of wildlife, there is also a bong or tool using methamphetamine.
"Initially, the evidence was secured to the Section Office of PTN Wiilayah 2 Karang Tekok, Sumberwaru Village, Banyuputih District. However, at this time all the evidence was brought to the Situbondo Police," he said.
Johan added that his party had coordinated with the police as well as officers to provide information or chronology of alleged illegal logging in the forest area of the Baluran National Park.
"Evidence of teak and pickup wood was handed over to the Resort Police for further investigation and investigation so that the perpetrator who fled and the owner of the vehicle was immediately revealed," he said.
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