JAKARTA - The panel of judges stated that the figure of 'King Maker' in the case of gratification in the management of the Supreme Court (MA) Decree was indeed true. But during the trial, his figure was not revealed.

"Considering that based on electronic evidence in the form of chat communication using the WA application, the contents of which were confirmed by the defendant, witness Anita Kolopaking, and witness Rahmat's testimony have been proven true about the figure of King Maker," said the presiding judge Ignasius Eko Purwanto in a trial at the Corruption Court, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 8th.

The figure of the 'King Maker' was not revealed. Although, during the trial process, the panel of judges tried to extract information from the suspect or witnesses.

So far, it has only been revealed that the figure of 'King Maker' was discussed by Pinangki when she met Joko Tjandra, Anita Kolopaking, and Rahmat.

"The panel of judges has tried to find out who the figure of 'King Maker' is by asking the defendant and witness Anita because they were discussed in the chat and mentioned by the defendant at a meeting attended by the defendant, witness Anita, witness Rahmat, and witness Djoko Tjandra in November 2020 but still was not revealed at the trial," he said.

The figure of 'King Maker' is closely related to action plans. This is because he was the initiator so that Joko Tjandra would not be executed in the cessie corruption case of Bank Bali.

Previously it was reported, the panel of judges sentenced the defendant Attorney Pinangki Sirna Malasari to 10 years in prison. In addition, Pinangki was also fined IDR 600 million, a subsidiary of 6 months in prison.

"Sentenced the defendant Pinangki Sirna Malasari to a 10-year sentence," said chief judge Ignasius Eko Purwanto during a trial at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Monday, February 8.

"And a fine of IDR 600 million on the condition that if it is not paid, it will be replaced by detention for 6 months," he continued.

Pinangki is considered to have committed a criminal offense that complies with Article 11 of the Corruption Eradication Law, Article 3 of the Law on Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering, and Article 15 in conjunction with Article 13 of the Corruption Eradication Law.

In deciding the verdict, the panel of judges considered several things. For example, Pinangki's work was burdensome.

Thus, Pinangki is considered not to support the government's efforts to eradicate corruption. In fact, she was also considered to be convoluted in giving testimony at trial, not admitting her guilt, and enjoying the proceeds of crime.

"Things that are mitigating are the defendant being polite in the trial, the defendant is the backbone of the family, the defendant has a small child aged four years, the defendant has never been convicted," said Eko.

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