General Treasurer (Bendum) of the Nasdem Party DPP Ahmad Sahroni said the Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) would arrive in Indonesia on Thursday, October 5, 2023. SYL will go directly to the Chairman of the Nasdem Party Surya Paloh.

Sahroni's statement denied reports about SYL missing in Europe. SYL, he said, was following a series of scheduled ministry activities.

"The Minister of Agriculture again has other activities that have been scheduled. However, the Minister of Agriculture will enter Indonesia on October 5," Sahroni told reporters, Tuesday, October 3.

Sahroni said Surya Paloh also ordered SYL to return to Indonesia immediately.

"The general chairman's order will immediately return to the country. After returning, the Minister of Agriculture will face the general chairman first," said the Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the DPR.

Previously, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Havrick Hasnul Qolbi, revealed that his party was looking for the whereabouts of the Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo. Harvick admitted that he was not aware of the whereabouts of the Minister of Agriculture after a working visit in Spain.

"So until now we are continuing to look for the whereabouts of the Minister because until now we have no news regarding the presence of the Minister until today," said Harvick.

Harvick received the latest information on the whereabouts of Syahrul Yasin Limpo in Spain. There were several echelon officials to staff who took part in the work visit.

"From Spain, the latest information we received coincided with our echelon officials, echelon 1 and three people, there was also echelon 2 who participated in the Minister's account as well as several staff," he said.

Harvick said several officials who took part in the Kunker group had returned to the country. The return was not accompanied by a ticket issue. He also said that the Minister of Agriculture would not escape from the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture.

"Back to the country, each of them is because maybe the tickets are limited and finally separated, God willing, we will not run away, hopefully we pray it can be finished," he explained.

The KPK also responded to the news regarding the alleged missing contact SYL in Spain. This news emerged amid news of the appointment of the Nasdem politician as a suspect in the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture by the KPK.

"We want to emphasize that we make sure that all work in investigating this case continues to be completed," said the Head of the KPK News Section, Ali Fikri, Tuesday.

Ali Fikri has not disclosed further regarding the KPK's knowledge of the news of SYL's lost contact. He only emphasized that every development of handling this case would always be conveyed by the KPK to the public.

"In time, we will definitely convey the complete and complete development," said Ali Fikri.

It is known, apart from extortion, there are allegations of gratification and money laundering (TPPU) within the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) which are also being investigated further by the KPK. KPK investigations are still ongoing to investigate the case.

However, the KPK has not disclosed in more detail the construction of the corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture which is currently being investigated by the KPK. The KPK only ensures that any developments in handling this case will continue to be conveyed to the public.

Even so, the KPK has searched a number of locations in the context of investigating the case, such as at the SYL official residence to the Ministry of Agriculture's office. Various evidences were successfully secured by the KPK, ranging from cash to documents, as well as 12 pieces.

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