JAKARTA - Former Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G Plate denied receiving facilities from anyone related to the 4G Base Tranceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure supply project.

Johnny G Plate was originally presented as a witness in the alleged corruption case in the provision of 4G Base Tranceiver Station (BTS) infrastructure for the defendants Galumbang Menak, Irwan Hermawan, and Mukti Ali.

The objection was conveyed by Plate when the judge questioned whether or not there was money receiving. Johnny at that time immediately denied it and stated that he had not even received money from anyone related to the 4G BTS project.

"I have never received money from Mr. Galumbang or Mr. Galumbang," Johnny said during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, September 27.

Then, the judge also questioned whether or not there were facilities. It is known, Johnny's indictment is said to have been given several free golfing facilities.

Johnny again denied. In fact, he felt that he was being used regarding golf facilities. "I don't even get facilities. Maybe my facilities are actually being used for playing golf as a member at the golf course," said Johnny.

"Fasilitas dari terdakwa Galumbang melalui Benyamin Sura uang sejumlah USD 10 ribu dan penggunaan kartu kredit sejumlah Rp 150 juta?" tanya hakim.

"Never at all, Your Majesty. Sorry for the information," said Johnny.

Meanwhile, Johnny G Plate was charged with not only receiving money related to the alleged corruption case in the provision of 4G BTS infrastructure. He is also said to have received free golf facilities. This is because all of the bills were paid by the President Director of PT Mora Telematika Indonesia, Galumbang Menak Simanjuntak.

"During the period of 2021-2022, we will receive facilities from Galumbang Menak Simanjuntak in the form of payments for playing golf 6 (six) times, which is approximately Rp420 million," said the prosecutor.

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