JAKARTA - The issue of lockdown or lockdown in DKI Jakarta was busy this week. Although it was said that he was being considered by Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria, recently this was considered a hoax by the police.

This lockdown issue originated from the suggestion of a member of Commission IX DPR RI Saleh Partaonan Daulay. He said restrictions on activities through the implementation of large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) and the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) have not been maximally successful because the number of people exposed to COVID-19 every day has more than 1 million people.

Therefore, Daulay asked the government to look for other policy alternatives such as implementing a weekend lockdown policy.

Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria responded to this suggestion on Tuesday, February 2. He said that his party was considering the implementation of the lock every weekend in the capital.

"That is a suggestion from friends in the DPR RI. Of course DKI Jakarta will conduct a study, analysis. Later the Governor will also chair internal meetings, whether the proposed lockdown weekend from the DPR RI is possible," he told reporters at the DKI Jakarta City Hall.

He admitted, many people do activities outside the home on weekends. This interaction has the potential to generate crowds and spread the corona virus.

"Because offices are closed, many Jakarta residents do activities outside their homes. Not only to markets, malls, recreation areas, including visiting relatives, including out of town," said Riza.

"For that, we always ask that during holidays, Saturday-Sunday, we also ask to stay at home," he added.

Although Riza said that currently his party was considering the recommendation of the lockup at the weekend, DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan denied that he had ever reviewed and considered the proposal. Of course, this statement is different from the statement previously made by his representative.

Illustration of HI Jakarta Roundabout (VOI)

"We are not in a position to consider, let alone determine that there will be a lockdown at the weekend in Jakarta. That is not true," Anies said in a Youtube broadcast by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, Friday, February 5.

Anies said that currently DKI is implementing restrictions on community activities (PPKM) until February 8. Anies will ensure that the implementation of PPKM in the field runs well and orderly.

He again reminded the public to continue to comply with 3M's health protocol, namely wearing masks, maintaining distance, and washing hands. Also, you don't have to leave the house if you don't have an urgent need.

"On the other hand, the government will continue to work hard to improve 3T, testing capacity and testing activities, tracing capacity and tracing activities, then the capacity of health facilities, treatment and isolation to ensure that anyone who is exposed can quickly return to health," he explained.

The news about the Jakarta lockdown is hoax

After the issue of the DKI Jakarta lockdown surfaced, a chain message on the WhatsApp messaging application announced that the policy would be carried out on February 12 to 15. Apart from the lockdown, all business establishments must be closed and the public must not leave.

Those who violate will be subject to a fine and immediately carry out a COVID-19 swab test.

Later, the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) confirmed that this information was hoax or misleading news.

"In fact, this information is hoax. Until this document was prepared and released, there has been no official announcement regarding the implementation of the lockdown for the DKI Jakarta area," wrote the official statement of the Ministry of Communication and Information, Friday, February 5.

This is also in line with the statement of the police. The National Police emphasized that the chain message that the government through President Joko Widodo would implement a total lockdown on February 12 to 15, 2021 was a hoax.

Because, based on the results of coordination with the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) there was no such news.

Screenshot of the hoax broadcast about the Jakarta lockdown

"That this broadcast is not true, this broadcast is wrong," said Head of Public Relations of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono at a press conference of the Ministry of Health, Friday, February 5.

Argo also said, if the impact caused by fake news is quite large. In fact, if people panic because of the news, the impact will be even wider.

"With the broadcast that is not true it will have a negative impact on anyone, indeed the content is normal, but the content can incite slander," he said.

"Then the hoax will target people's emotions and then generate negative opinions which will result in uproar in society and the nation's integration. This is the impact of hoaxes, this is very worrying," he concluded.

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