MAKASSAR - The Governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah, received 13 ambulances and fire engines (Damkar) from Ehime Japan.

The ambulance and fire-fighting car were handed over directly by representatives of the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) at the Karaeng Pattingalloang building, Makassar, Friday, February 5.

"Today we get a blessing that has been carried out in cooperation since 2009, namely fire aid and ambulance, 13 units and 21 units will be sent gradually," said Nurdin Abdullah in a written statement from the South Sulawesi Provincial Government.

From a financial perspective, the fire and ambulance are beneficial for the South Sulawesi Provincial Government. This is because in addition to not being paid, the entry fee in Indonesia also only pays shipping costs of Rp 30 million per container.

"One container costs Rp 30 million, moreover there is no entry fee and this is a grant. We only pay the fee.

This is certainly more economical in terms of budget, but that does not mean that services to the community must stop, "he said.

"This will ease the burden on the regional APBD, so we hope that the entire administrative process can be faster, so that it does not make it difficult for the grantor to accommodate the fire and ambulance. This has been officially attended by the Japanese Ambassador, from President Toyota Cocy and Toyota Ehime, Governor Ehime of course. will further expand our cooperation, and this is something that makes us happy, "explained Nurdin.

According to Nurdin, this form of cooperation between the South Sulawesi Provincial Government and the Japanese Ehime Provincial Government and Japan's Toyota Ehime is not an ordinary collaboration, but a brotherhood.

"We have signed an agreement to make South Sulawesi and Ehime Province into sister provinces, meaning that it is no longer limited to receiving grants, but will also encourage investors there to South Sulawesi. What is already okay is Wajima Projects, which is a plan to develop fish farming in South Sulawesi. , "said Nurdin.

The governor of South Sulawesi, Nurdin Abdullah, received 13 ambulances and fire trucks (Damkar) from Ehime Japan.

Meanwhile, to support cooperation in aquaculture in South Sulawesi, his party has sent four people to study in Japan, and it is hoped that later they will become mentors for fish farming actors in South Sulawesi.

"Four of our children are now there for training in the context of technology transfer. I think this cooperation certainly we have to maintain the commitments we have made, so that this collaboration lasts all the time and of course our hope is that Japan pays special attention to South Sulawesi. Japan has technology requirements which certainly pay attention to human resource development, "said Prof. NA.

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