JAKARTA - The Lampung Provincial Health Office recorded an additional 114 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Lampung, bringing a total of 10,657.

"There are 114 additional daily cases from 12 regencies and cities in Lampung Province", said Head of Lampung Provincial Health Office, Reihana in a written statement in Bandar Lampung, quoted by Antara, Friday, February 5.

She said the addition was detailed, for Bandarlampung City there were 36 people, South Lampung Regency 6 people, East Lampung 26 people, Metro City 2 people.

"Then Tulang Bawang District 2 people, Tanggamus 4 people, Pesawaran 3 people, 12 people from West Coast, 2 people from West Lampung, 1 person Pringsewu, 15 people from Central Lampung, and 5 people from Waykanan", she said.

She explained that of the 114 patients who were confirmed positive for COVID-19, there were 48 people in the symptomatic case category and 66 people in the asymptomatic case category.

"Apart from positive confirmed cases of COVID-19, there were 26 suspected cases, 79 probable people, and 105 close contacts and 5 people died," she said.

According to her, the five patients who died came from Central Lampung 2 people, Pringsewu, Bandar Lampung, and each 1 person from South Lampung.

"The COVID-19 pandemic is not over, even though vaccines are available, don't ignore health protocols", she said again.

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