YOGYAKARTA Head of the Legal Development Agency (Kababinkum) TNI Rear Admiral Kresno Buntoro said that there are 11 points of prohibition that will apply specifically to soldiers in the 2024 election. He conveyed the prohibition in the legal safari and socialization of TNI neutrality in the 2024 election which was also attended by personnel from the ranks of Koarmada II and the ranks of Lantamal and Lanal Koarmada II, Monday, September 18.

11 points of prohibition are imposed so that the TNI remains neutral in the general election next year.

"To anticipate the many dynamics that arise as a consequence of democratic competition in all corners of the country," Kresno said as quoted from a written statement.

Regarding the 11 bans, Kresno seriously warned against TNI soldiers being involved or supporting election participants. If these rules are violated, there will be legal consequences that must be borne. The 11 bans on TNI soldiers in the election will be as follows.

1. Give comments, assessment, discuss, any guidance related to election & regional election contestants to families and the public.

2. Individually or in facilities are in the arena where elections and regional elections are held.

3. Save & stick documents, attributes, other objects that describe the identity of election participants and regional elections in TNI's agencies and equipment.

4. In the polling arena (TPS) when the voting was held

5. Individually/units/facilities are involved in active elections and regional elections in the form of campaigning to make certain candidates or contestants successful, including providing assistance in any form outside the duties and functions of the TNI.

6. Carry out any actions and/or statements made officially that aim or affect the decisions of the KPU and Panwaslu.

7. Individually or in units or facilities to welcome and deliver contestants.

8. Become members of the KPU, Panwaslu, voter committee, voter registrant committee, participants and/or campaigners.

9. Involved and interfered in determining the determination of election participants, either individuals or party groups.

10. Mobilizing social, religious and economic organizations for the benefit of certain political parties or candidates.

11. Carry out actions and/or make any statements that affect the decisions of the Provincial KPU, the Regency/City KPU and the Electoral Supervisory Committee (Panwaslih).

It should be noted that not only the TNI, the Police are also strictly prohibited from engaging in practical political activities. If these rules are violated, soldiers who are proven to have participated in campaigns or are involved in practical elections will be sanctioned in the form of prison laws to fines. This is as regulated in Law No. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections article 494.

"Every state civil servant, member of the Indonesian National Army and the Indonesian National Police, village head, village apparatus, village and / or member who violates the prohibition as referred to in Article 280 paragraph (3) shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) year and a maximum fine of Rp. 12 million," reads Article 494 of the Election Law.

In the Election Law, it is also stated that the implementers, participants, or campaign teams participating in the election are prohibited from involving TNI and Polri soldiers when holding a campaign. Officials are also not allowed to take certain actions that will trigger losses or profits in one of the campaign participants.

The National Police and the TNI are also active and do not have their political rights, either they choose or are elected. They must really be neutral.

"In the election, members of the Indonesian National Army and members of the Indonesian National Police did not exercise their right to vote," said article 200 No. 7 of 2017.

That is information related to the 11 prohibitions of TNI soldiers in the 2024 election. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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