JAKARTA - The Governor of East Kalimantan (Kaltim) Isran Noor implemented a sterile 2-day East Kalimantan Province. People are asked to stay at home for two days.

"Starting from Saturday and Sunday, people will not carry out activities outside the home. Then carry out disinpectant spraying at crowd points, such as markets, including disciplining health protocols at the district level to the scope of the RT, "said Isran Noor, quoted from the statement of Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Thursday, February 4.

In addition, districts and cities have formed posts that handle COVID-19 and reach villages.

To anticipate a surge in COVID-19 patients, isolation places will be prepared. Among them are preparing the Balikpapan Hajj Dormitory, which already has about 80 rooms and will be rehabilitated again for the expansion of several rooms, especially for patients with mild and moderate symptoms of COVID-19.

"Preparing the ICU room, as well as specialists at the AWS Samarinda Hospital and the Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Hospital in Balikpapan by helping with the facilities and equipment," said Isran Noor.

This decision is taken in a coordination meeting. He emphasized that the owner of authority in preventing the transmission of COVID-19 lies with the regent, the mayor assisted by members of the National Police-TNI.

"Earlier during the Coordination Meeting, it was agreed that the regents / mayors were ready to carry out cooperation and instructions to increase discipline on health protocols in an effort to suppress and break the chain of transmission of COVID-19, in East Kalimantan," said Isran Noor.

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