SURABAYA - Dokter Dewa reported the Instagram account of neofasism to the East Java Police Headquarters. This legal route was taken because Doctor Dewa received threats of being killed through the social media post.

"So I asked for clarification on those words of threat, but they were not welcomed. So on that basis I asked for legal protection to the East Java Regional Police's Cyber Sub-Directorate," Dewa told reporters after reporting to the East Java Regional Police's Cyber Sub-Directorate in Surabaya, Thursday, February 4.

Dewa claimed to report the account on his own accord. Because he feels threatened, so he needs protection from the police.

"After this we are waiting for efforts from the East Java Regional Police to process the threats made by the Instagram account," he said.

Not only death threats, Dewa admitted that he often received inappropriate comments from the @neofasism account. Although he did not pay attention, he said, the account continued to make unsavory comments, eventually threatening to kill him.

"Often times, just because I ask for clarification, I never get heed. Last time I was threatened with death, I want protection and legal certainty," he said.

The threat of murder was discovered when the doctor at one of the private hospitals commented on the @ jeg.bali account post about the mask raid. The @neofasism account responded to Dewa's comment by threatening to end his life.

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