TANGERANG - Police revealed the motive for the murder of Nirwansyah (23) against Anik Patmawati (51) because he was hurt. The perpetrator killed the victim, who is a friend's mother, was due to being billed a debt of IDR 500 thousand with 100 percent interest, bringing the total to IDR 1 million.

"(The perpetrator) was hurt because the victim demanded a debt with a large interest. (The debt was) Rp. 500 thousand with an interest rate of Rp. 500 thousand," said Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Commissioner Victor Berlyantho when confirmed, Sunday, September 10.

Victor said that the perpetrator who has a job as a barista in Tangerang has been in arrears of the debt for three months. He was only able to pay interest from the debt

"Rp 500 thousand according to (the perpetrator) the information has been paid," he said.

Local residents revealed that the victim had a job at a shoe factory. In addition, he is also a lender and installments to local residents.

"Yes (the victim) is a moneylender (the lender) is just a side", he said.

Charged With Premeditated Murder Articles

Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Commissioner Victor Berlyantho said the perpetrators would be charged with premeditated murder. This is based on the investigation report (BAP).

"The article applied to Article 340 (KUHP) junto 338 carries the death penalty or life imprisonment," Victor told reporters, Friday, September 9.

Victor explained the reason why the perpetrator was charged with the article. The article, the perpetrator has been proven to have carried a sharp weapon (sajam) type knife from his house to kill the victim.

"According to information from the suspect, it has been prepared from the start that the suspect entered the house. It has been prepared that the direction is planned to go there," he said.

Incident Chronology

Victor explained that the chronology of the incident began with the perpetrator who entered the victim's house by prying open the door. After that, the perpetrator looked for the target. When found, the perpetrator immediately launched the action, attacking the victim with a kitchen knife.

Meanwhile, the perpetrator entered the house. The victim was sleeping, went straight into the victim's room, was immediately stabbed, "he said.

Furthermore, Daffa as the victim's child woke up and saw his mother being stabbed by the perpetrator. Suddenly, the victim screamed as a thief in order to attract the attention of the residents.

"The child came in, shouted (then) the perpetrator ran away," he said.

After that, the perpetrator was chased by residents until he was finally arrested.

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