BANDUNG - Presidential Chief of Staff, Dr. Moeldoko, ensured that the state was present to take care of Indonesia's superior talents. The presence of the country, he said, was embodied in the National Talent Management program (MTN).

He further said that MTN is a government program to handle and pay attention to the nation's children with superior talents in a number of fields. MTN focuses on three main fields. Namely research and innovation, arts and culture, as well as sports.

Currently, he continued, Presidential Regulation (Perpres) regarding the Grand Design or MTN Grand Plan is ready, and it remains only to be signed by President Joko Widodo. If this MTN has been inaugurated, I make sure Indonesian great children and superior talents will be taken care of by the state. We will not allow these great children alone, "said Moeldoko in a joint discussion with creative arts and industry players, in Bandung, Friday, September 8.

Moeldoko's statement was in response to complaints from art actors and creative industries who felt that so far their activities had not received state support. Nanda Persada, an art and creative industry actor in the field of artist management, revealed several experiences of Indonesian artists who had to work alone when carrying out activities at international events. "Even though they carry the name of Indonesia at the international level. But everything is taken care of themselves," said Nanda.

Apart from being a speaker in a conversation with art players and the creative industry, Moeldoko also attended the launch of SOEX Incorporate, a company engaged in the digital entertainment industry. SOEX debuted by building several business units. Starting from artist management, digital-based entertainment media, to the development of digital platforms for MSMEs.

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