YOGYAKARTA In this article, the profile of Ahmad Sahroni, a NasDem Party politician who almost policed the 6th President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

It is known that Ahmad Sahroni, who serves as the treasurer of NasDem, intends to report SBY because he is considered to have spread false news about the plan to declare Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) as a candidate for vice president (bacawapres) who accompanied Anies Baswedan in early September 2023.

"As a person, not a party institution, not a DPR, I would like to report someone, a high-ranking Democratic Party official regarding what was said on August 25 that I was in that room, clarifying what SBY said that Anies-AHY would be declared in early September. I said that there was no talk," said Sahroni at the Criminal Investigation Unit, Monday, September 4, 2023, quoted by VOI.

Sahroni said that SBY did encourage the declaration of Anies' vice presidential candidate on September 3, 2023, but not the Anies-AHY pair declaration.

"So what Mr. SBY said was actually a lie, it didn't exist that Anies-AHY would be declared in early September," said Sahroni.

However, Sahroni then refused to report SBY to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. The reason is because it is prohibited by the General Chairperson of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh.

So, what is the figure of Ahmad Sahroni like? Check out the full information below.

Ahmad Sahroni, who is currently known as a businessman and member of the DPR, has come from a simple family.

Born in Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, August 8, 1977, Sahroni started his career from scratch. Sahroni is noted to have been a shoe polisher to reduce the family's economic burden.

In addition, Sahroni has also worked as a schoolchildren pick-up driver, a company driver in the field of refueling oil, to a washing man on a foreign cruise ship.

Starting from the driver, Sahroni's career slowly rose. Starting from being appointed as operational staff, chief operations, to the president director.

Summarized from various sources, the following is Sahronu's journey from the driver to become the main director.

Sahroni's career as a politician began in 2013. At that time, this figure known as Crazy Rich Tanjung Priok joined as a NasDem cadre.

Thanks to his flashy track record, Sahroni is trusted to be the General Treasurer of the DKI Jakarta Nasdem DPP, right in the first year of joining the political party.

Next, Sahroni tried his luck by registering himself as a member of the legislature in the 2014 election. In the contestation, he was elected as a member of the DPR RI from the DKI Jakarta III electoral district, and was then placed in Commission XI of the DPR RI.

Two years sitting on Commission XI, Sahroni was transferred to Commission III of the DPR RI. There, he discussed and resolved legal and human rights issues with the government.

Ahmad Sahroni's career continued to climb after he was re-elected as a member of the Indonesian House of Representatives for the 2019-2024 period. In the second period, Sahroni was entrusted as Deputy Chairman of Commission III of the Indonesian House of Representatives.

Apart from having a career in politics, Ahmad Sahroni is noted to have several large business octopuses. One of them is the barge business.

Sahroni even has assets of IDR 298 billion based on the LHKPN he reported in December 2022.

That's information about Ahmad Sahroni's profile, a NasDem politician who almost policed SBY. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.

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