Chairman of the NasDem Party Surya Paloh attended the declaration ceremony of Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin at the Majapahit Hotel, Surabaya, East Java, Saturday, September 2.

It was seen in this declaration that Surya Paloh wore a white shirt and a cap, witnessed the intimacy of Anies-Cak Imin before the declaration of the presidential and vice presidential candidates.

Anies and Cak Imin are also the same as Surya Paloh, they wear white shirts and wear black caps.

Surya Paloh will give a speech at the Anies-Cak Imin declaration which will be held simply.

The declaration ceremony will later be closed with Anies Baswedan's remarks as a presidential candidate. In addition, there will also be prayers from senior kiai in East Java.

Prior to the declaration, Cak Imin had made a pilgrimage to the grave of Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) founder KH Bisri Syansuri. He stated his readiness to become a vice presidential candidate to accompany Anies.

"The intention is bismillah, the intention is to serve the nation and state, there is no other intention but to improve, perfect Mbah Bisri's struggle, continue the struggle of the Auliya, the founder of NU. Thank God, I approve, support," said Cak Imin, Saturday, September 2.

The declaration of Anies-Cak Imin was also attended by PKS leaders from PKS President Ahmad Syaikhu and Secretary General Aboe Bakar Alhabsyi and their ranks.

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