SnackVideo as a social platform that focuses on sharing short videos, now not only presents opportunities for users to express their style and creativity through creation and of course sharing short video content, but also presents various positive religious breathing features and activities thanks to collaboration with the Indonesian Mosque Council Youth Association (PRIMA DMI).

"Through collaboration with PRIMA DMI, SnackVideo maximizes its mobile application to encourage users to do good. There are features that make it very easy to access religious content, and in the future it will increase, until educational activities are held related to short videos and live streams," said Dina Bhirawa, Head of Marketing SnackVideo Indonesia, in a statement, Wednesday, August 30.

Training creates good content for mosque teens

To young people who generally like to upload short video content, SnackVideo holds training for PRIMA DMI on how to create good short video content. Including, training to hold quality live streaming, for example when there are tabligh activities or sermons Friday or other religious activities.

Easy accessing religious content

In every corner of the mosque under the auspices of PRIMA DMI in the future, there will be several QR codes to make it easier for SnackVideo users to access prayers and religious content, both for reading in certain daily and time, as well as various other religious content that are certainly useful for increasing faith and piety, as well as being applied in daily life. Around 15 mosques have implemented this feature, and in the future all other mosques under the auspices of PRIMA DMI will be followed.

Live streaming well-known Ustaz

The collaboration between SnackVideo and PRIMA DMI is even more complete with the presence of one of Indonesia's famous ustaz, namely Ustaz Abdul Somad, who some time ago appeared live streaming in SnackVideo content during the grand tabligh. Furthermore, the mosques under the auspices of PRIMA DMI which held a tabligh akbar will also present live streaming on SnackVideo, of course with ustaz-ustaz who are no less well-known. SnackVideo users can follow the remembrance together, as well as obtain spiritual splashes from the ustaz, comfortably from anywhere.

"This collaboration is also a form of SnackVideo's commitment to supporting positive, educational and inspiring content in accordance with positive values," Dina Bhirawa emphasized.

He hopes that SnackVideo users can more easily get religious content in winning rewards, as well as sharing kindness through short video content.

Ahmad Farhan as the Chair of PRIMA DMI DKI Jakarta welcomed this collaboration. "As a mosque teenager, of course, we welcome collaboration with SnackVideo, including related to content creation training, because this is also the focus of DKI Jakarta's PRIMA DMI activities to develop the potential and skills of youth mosques, especially in the current digital era. God willing, with very good goals, this event will benefit the mosque and its younger generation," he said.

Memgari pengguna dari perbuatan terhatinya

Apart from encouraging to do good, SnackVideo also doesn't miss protecting its users from disgraceful acts. SnackVideo strictly prohibits sharing videos that promote/drive against violence, pornography, negative treatment of minorities, harassment, bullying, hate speech, cruelty to animals, spam, intellectual property abuses, disguise as people or other organizations, violations related to personal data, promoting individuals and banned/dangerous organizations, as well as other criminal acts and unlawful acts.

For violators, SnackVideo will suspend or stop access to part or all of SnackVideo services, limit access to its content, remove its content from the SnackVideo platform, or take other action according to SnackVideo provisions without prior notification. Even if necessary, SnackVideo will cooperate with law enforcement to investigate any unlawful actions in SnackVideo services.

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