The East Java Regional Police destroyed tens of thousands of narcotics evidence consisting of marijuana, crystal methamphetamine, ecstasy and hard drugs from the Tumpas Narcotics Operation for the period 14-25 August 2023.

"From the operation, 26,279.89 grams of marijuana were confiscated, then 8,587.36 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 690.5 grams of ecstasy and 2,718,493 pills, double L," said East Java Police Chief Inspector General Toni Harmanto during the destruction of narcotics evidence reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.

In addition to confiscating narcotics evidence, the police also arrested 661 suspects who were a syndicate of the illicit goods dealer network in East Java.

His party will also continue to carry out operations or raids to eradicate narcotics. This includes stretched raids to nightclubs.

"The East Java Police and the ranks of the police and the TNI will continue to secure it at a positive nightclub using this (narcotics)," said Toni.

The Regional Police Chief explained that he received special instructions from the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to make Kampung Free of Drugs.

"This program is implemented at 39 Polres/Polresta throughout East Java. With a pilot project of one village in each Polres," said Toni.

Toni expressed high hopes that later the Drug-Free Village will be one example of the grassroots movement of the community in preventing drugs.

"I really hope that elements of society can contribute to preventing and preventing drugs directly," he said.

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