JAKARTA - A household assistant (ART) from North Sumatra (North Sumatra) was tortured to rape by her employer who is a fisherman in the Kuala Selangor area, Malaysia. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to Malaysia Hermono said that the physical torture and sexual exploitation experienced by Lina (not her real name) for almost three years was a barbaric act. Lina, who started working with her employer in September 2020, always experienced violence until she suffered serious injuries. From Lina's confession, the torture was not only carried out by her employer but including her employer's friends for no apparent reason. "I always feel scared when someone comes to the employer's house because they will definitely be beaten," said Ambassador Hermono, imitating Lina's words to him in Kuala Lumpur, Antara, Thursday, August 24. Not only experienced violence, but Lina also only received a salary of 900 ringgit (RM) once or around Rp. 2.9 million. Even Lina is sometimes forced to go to sea to catch fish other than doing household chores. Lina told Ambassador Hermono that at least she had fled from her employer's house four times, but was always found by her employer and forced to return to work. In fact, according to Hermono, when Lina was bleeding with the help of a neighbor of her employer, she reported to the local police, but the police officers who met her returned her to her employer. "While in tears Lina admitted that she was really desperate to think about how to save herself from the torture and lecherous behavior of her employer," said Hermono. Rescued By Residents Hermono said Lina's suffering ended after she managed to escape and was hidden for four days by local residents, who were then delivered to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, August 19. At that time Lina was in an open condition on her left temple and right hand due to a hard object blow. The Indonesian Embassy staff immediately took Lina to the hospital to get help. From the results of the examination, it was found that Lina's two ribs were broken due to a blow to a wooden block. Even the rib fracture injured his lungs, causing it to interfere with his breathing. Currently Lina is under the protection of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur for the healing process of her injuries and legal proceedings. According to information from the Kuala Selangor police who handled the case, two suspects have been detained and one person is still at large. He said the suspects would be charged with articles of severe physical torture and sexual exploitation. Hermono, who had contacted the investigating officer in the case, said in essence that Lina's case received serious attention from the Indonesian government and asked the perpetrators to be given a maximum sentence in accordance with the Malaysian Criminal Law to provide a deterrent effect on employers who exploit and violence against Indonesian ART. Hermono added that the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur would immediately send an official note to the authorities regarding Malaysia asking for the same thing. Violation of Continuous Rights Although Indonesia and Malaysia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the Protection of Domestic Workers on April 1, 2022, violations of the rights of Indonesian Migrant Workers are still ongoing. Hermono said the most cases were unpaid salaries, bans on communicating, passport detention, including physical violence as experienced by Lina. According to Hermono, from January-July 2023, the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur has succeeded in fighting for 97 cases of unpaid salaries with a value of RM1.01 million or equivalent to Rp3.44 billion and repatriating 226 PMIs from the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur shelter. "Almost all PMIs who have problems with their employers are those who work in the household sector and do not have work visas," said Hermono. However, according to him, not all PMI financial rights can be fought for, he said. Not a few employers deliberately refuse to pay salaries. "“Reporting that the salary case is not paid to the Manpower Service is not always successful if the employer does not want to pay and in the end the employer is free and PMI goes home without bringing money at all," said Hermono. Hermono asked, with the high number of risks of sending PMI ART in Malaysia, it might get the attention of the relevant Ministries or Institutions, especially if they leave non-procedurally.

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