YOGYAKARTA The issuance of instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs regarding air pollution is one of the Government's responses in overcoming air pollution in the Jabodetabek area. The instruction applies to several areas in Jabodetabek.

The Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri), Tito Karnavian, issued an Instruction from the Minister of Home Affairs regarding Control of Air Pollution (Inmendagri Number 2 of 2023) in the Jabodetabek area.

In the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs, there are several main things that need to be done, both by the Governor of DKI Jakarta, the Governor of West Java (West Java), the Governor of Banten, and the regents/mayors in Jabodetabek.


The instructions stated that State Civil Apparatus (ASN) within the government was asked to implement a Work From Home (WFH) work system and a portion of Work From Office (WFO) of 50 percent each.

The encouragement was also given to BUMN employees and private employees. Meanwhile, the percentage and working hours are adjusted to the policies determined by each company.

The first Diktum-ed), making adjustments to the policy of regulating the work system with the provisions of Work From Home (WFH) and Work From Office (WFO): a. WFH as much as 50% (fifty percent) can be done, and WFO as much as 50% (fifty percent) among others for state civil servants (ASN) in regional apparatus, employees of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), and Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMN)," reads the Minister of Home Affairs on Air Pollution, seen Thursday, August 24.

"Encouraging the public / employees of the private sector and the business world to carry out a WFH and WFO work system that percentages and working hours are adjusted to the agency/business actors' policies," reads the second letter (a) points.

2. Restrictions on Private Vehicles

The Minister of Home Affairs also emphasized the limitation on the use of private motorized vehicles for ASN, which are also requested to impose public transportation. The same thing is also emphasized for the general public.

"Imposing restrictions on the use of motorized vehicles (mobils/motors) with the provisions: a. for ASN and/or people who carry out WFO as referred to in the dictum of KESATU letter a number 1) and letter b, or who are still doing activities outside the home, to optimize mass transportation modes or public transportation," continued the Minister of Home Affairs.

3. Road sweeping

In addition to limiting vehicles, it is also requested to carry out road sweeping in order to reduce dust.

"The watering of roads to reduce dust," reads the eighth point of the Minister of Home Affairs.

This point is mentioned in the eighth part about controlling environmental emissions and implementing green solutions with the following sound.

Eighth: Control of environmental emissions and application of green solutions:

Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian requested that vehicle emission tests be more effective. Local governments are also asked to tighten supervision of emission tests.

Sixth: Effective on the implementation of vehicle emission tests:

That is information related to the instructions of the Minister of Home Affairs regarding air pollution. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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