JAKARTA - The development of public transportation in Jakarta is currently being intensified. Transportation modes such as Transjakarta, Integrated Average Mode (MRT), and Integrated Cross Rail (LRT) are also integrated.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said that DKI should have an integrated transportation payment system (transit oriented development). Therefore, people can use one payment instrument for all modes.

"What we are doing together in Jakarta is integrating public transportation. What is the connection with? With the same ticket and connected routes, so that residents use the card," said Anies in Jakarta, Saturday, February 22.

Fortunately, Jakarta has a payment-oriented Regional Owned Enterprise (BUMD), namely Bank DKI.

In the public transportation sector, Bank DKI collaborates with other BUMDs in the transportation sector to implement a public transportation payment system, namely Transjakarta, MRT Jakarta and LRT Jakarta through the use of JakCard and JakLingko.

"Together with the DKI Bank, the card enters an angkot, is tapped, he can move to public transportation, he can move to another vehicle at no additional cost. IDR 5,000 for 3 hours, moving from one mode to another," said Anies.

"Collaboration like this also applies to services in the field of food and tourism," added the former Minister of Education and Culture.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

Continuing, the Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini said, his party realizes that the times have led people to prefer practical services.

"Therefore, we have a number of non-cash products and services that can accommodate this, one of which is JakCard," he said.

Jakcard is a prepaid card issued by Bank DKI as a non-cash payment instrument. The residents can take advantage of the practicality of paying with JakCard, one of which is to pay for tickets to ride Transjakarta.

However, it needs to be admitted, cashless payments have made it easier for people to transact, although there are still many who have not been able to give up the habit of paying with cash.

"Along with the development of technology, some people then choose to change direction, some are still trying to live cashless, while still using cash," he concluded.

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