JAKARTA - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (MA) Muhammad Syarifuddin fully supports the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo's program related to the pattern of crossings and online trials. However, its implementation must be supported by a working group.

"We are grateful if such electronic sessions can be held. But of course there should be some kind of working group for the police chief to strengthen the electronic session," Syarifuddin told reporters, Tuesday, February 2.

Apart from that, several other matters were discussed in the visit. For example, trial security and supporting applications.

"We are talking about the security of the trial proceedings and regarding the continuation of the SPPT-TI application, regarding the administration of court proceedings. There is an application that has been built in the form of SPPT-TI, each of which we have the obligation to carry out the application. , "he said.

Previously it was reported, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo visited the office of the Supreme Court (MA). In his visit, he discussed various things, one of which was the electronic numbering pattern.

"There are many things that we discussed and discussed, including related to several programs that we will carry out in the future, such as law enforcement related to the issue of electronic tickets," said Listyo.

The discussion of this matter refers more to the pattern of application. This is because so far online prosecution is not supported by trial processes that use a face-to-face pattern.

So, with this change there must be an adjustment that will not confuse the public.

"Of course, this changes the pattern that is usually carried out by using a trial and then now changes to be directly decided in the electronic system. So of course adjustments need to be made," he explained.

"Then the integrated service is related to public service issues in the information sector, related to legal process issues," continued Listyo.

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