Thousands Of Ecstasy Items From Belgium Confiscated, Customs And Excise Call It Not Cheap Goods
Thousands of ecstasy from Belgium were successfully secured/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - Police uncovered the circulation of 4,040 ecstasy or inex types of Nakorba. South Tangerang Police Narcotics Head, AKP Retno Jordanus said the inex came from Belgium. It is planned that the illicit goods will be circulated in Jakarta to Tangerang Raya.

This item comes from Belgium, then tries to enter through the Sumatra route. The plan will be circulated in Jakarta and Tangerang Raya, specifically for South Tangerang. Jordan told reporters, Wednesday, August 16.

Head of the Sub-Directorate for Narcotics Analysis and Target of Customs and Excise, Teri Zarkiar, stated that the disclosure of the 4,040 ecstasy cases was extraordinary. Because the quality of ecstasy obtained is good.

"This may still be mixed again later. To become a lower quality at a cheaper price. In other words, this is not a cheap price because this is a built-up item term," he concluded.

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