JAYAPURA - Assistance from the leaders of the National Police and the Papua Regional Police was sent using a lease plane to the Puncak Regency area in Central Papua Province which was facing disasters due to extreme weather conditions.

Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Kombes Ignatius Benny Ady Prabowo, said the police rented a plane belonging to RevenGlobal Airtransport to transport food and clothing aid to the Districts of Agandugume and Sinak in Puncak Regency.

Assistance from the National Police leadership and the Papua Regional Police has been handed over to the Puncak natural disaster management post in Timika, Mimika Regency.

According to him, assistance from the leaders of the National Police and the Papua Regional Police, which included 1,500 food packages, five tons of rice, and 1,150 jackets, is planned to be transported to Agandugume and Sinak in three flights on Saturday, August 12.

Benny said the National Police Headquarters added assistance in the form of 20 tons of rice, which is currently still on its way.

"We will cooperate with local governments, district heads, and village heads to ensure the assistance is distributed on target and can provide maximum benefits for people in need," he said as quoted by ANTARA.

The National Police will also send additional personnel to assist security and service operations for residents affected by natural disasters in Puncak Regency.

Extreme weather conditions have caused crop failure and caused hunger in the Districts of Agandugume, Lambewi, and Oneri in Puncak Regency.

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said the disaster caused six people to die from diarrhea.

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