YOGYAKARTA - Have you ever heard of what assimilation of prisoners is? Let's find out what the definition is!

Melanesir dari situs lpppkp.kemenkumham, assimilasi merupakan proses pembinaanpidana yang dilaksanakan dengan membudukkan Prisoner di dalam kehidupan warga.

The form of Assimilation:

Assimilation can be carried out independently with a third party, according to a cooperation agreement that contains the rights and obligations of the parties.

The form of assimilation for convicts of special crimes is in the form of social work at social institutions. Social institutions engaged in the field: Religion, Agriculture, Learning as well as culture, Health, Humanity, Hygiene, and those oriented to provide services to residents.

The requirements for coaching and guidance for educational activities, skills training, social activities, as well as coaching outside detention centers/prisons, are carried out by detention officers/prisoners. On the other hand, for work activities for third parties, work independently, and placement in Open Prisons is carried out by Detention Center/prisoners and PAPAS officers.

Assimilation is not given to inmates:

Assimilation Requirements:

Messages from prisoners or Correctional Students will not run away and will not carry out acts that violate the law.

The message of guaranteeing the ability of the family known by the village head / village head stating that prisoners / students will not run away, will not commit unlawful acts and help guide and supervise prisoners / students throughout exploring assimilation programs.

A letter of guarantee from schools, government or private institutions, as well as social or religious bodies/institutions, guarantees to help in guiding and supervising prisoners/students throughout exploring assimilation programs.

For foreigners/students, fulfill the completeness of documents

namely the guarantee letter will not run away and will comply with the requirements set by the state Embassy / consulate as well as the family, person, or corporation responsible for the whereabouts and activities of prisoners / students while in Indonesian territory and attach an explanation message from the Director General of Immigration or the appointed Immigration Officer who reports that the person concerned is exempt from the obligation to have a residence permit.

Having good behavior, is no longer taking disciplinary penalties in the last 6 (six) months, starting before coinciding with the provision of Assimilation.

Actively Exploring coaching programs properly

Has traveled 1/2 (one by 2) for criminal period

for convicts of criminal acts of terrorism, narcotics and narcotics precursors, psychotropics, corruption, serious human rights crimes, transnational crimes, and crimes against state security.

The provision of assimilation is 2/3 (2 per 3) criminal period, after which the convicts of Terrorism have finished participating in the Deradicalization Program organized by the Prison and/or the National Agency for Counterterrorism and attach an explanatory message to explore the program and report a written pledge on Secretity to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia for Indonesian citizens and will not repeat the acts of terrorism for foreigners.

Attach a photocopy of the judge's verdict and news of the implementation of the court's decision.

Attach a copy of register F from the Head of Prison.

Attach a copy of the list of substitutions from the Head of Prison.

The coaching growth report made by the correctional guardian/effect assessment results and assessment needs carried out by assessors.

The social research report is made by a social guide known by the Head of Fathers.

Assimilation Giving Method Procedures:

The prison correctional observer team recommended a proposal to provide assimilation for prisoners and criminal children to the Head of Prisons sourced from information on prisoners and Criminal Children who have met the requirements, the Head of Prison approved the proposal for assimilation, the proposed granting of assimilation was informed to the Head of the Regional Office that the decision to provide assimilation was sourced to the recommendations of the regional office correctional observer team.

The decision was informed to the Head of the Prison to be notified to Prisoners and Criminal Children with copies to the Director General. Assimilation is carried out at the Open Prison, while for convicts of criminal acts of terrorism, narcotics and narcotics precursors, corruption, state security crimes as well as serious human rights crimes and transnational crimes are carried out in the form of social work at social institutions (religious organizations). )

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