JAKARTA - The Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), H Zulkieflimansyah spoke up after his photo swimming without maintaining a viral distance on social media. Many netizens criticize Zulkieflimansyah's behavior because it was carried out in the midst of the intense 3M campaign.

According to Zulkieflimansyah, swimming with community members is only spontaneous. On questionable health protocols, he replied in a swimming condition that it was impossible to wear a mask.

"Regarding the COVID-19 protocol, it is impossible to wear our swimming masks. It was spontaneous, we didn't plan to swim on purpose. I was wearing full clothes at that time. But I apologize if it was not good during the disaster and the COVID-19 numbers. increased, "he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, February 1.

Zulkieflimansyah's swimming activity in the Mandala Water Park pool in Bayan Village, North Lombok Regency took place on Saturday 30 January. The place visited, according to him, deserves to be promoted because it is beautiful, with the atmosphere of a towering forestry area.

Likewise, the surrounding community welcomed the Governor's visit warmly, so they accepted the offer to swim with the local community.

"I did not expect it to be like that. We are staying in North Lombok in Bayan and we are very warmly welcomed by the community," said Governor Zulkielimansyah.

"Bayan actually has something that has never been published so far. There is a pool where the water does not contain chemicals because it is natural. Directly from the forest and the roots of the trees. So because I am the Governor, it makes the community enthusiastic and wants us to join in bathing in the area. At that time, I was actually not feeling well, but I was already in the pool. After splashing, the fever disappeared, it seemed the water was nutritious, "he explained.

It is known, NTB Governor Zulkieflimansyah through his social media account posted a number of photos showing him with several ranks and elements of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) enjoying swimming. This activity was carried out after the inauguration of the Mandala spring water bath in Bayan Village, North Lombok Regency.

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