JAKARTA - The Government of Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng) officially has not extended the Public Activity Restriction Enforcement (PPKM) which is valid for 14 days from 17-31 January 2021.

"The mayor's circular regarding restrictions on community activities is not extended. It means that we are returning to Perwali Number 26 of 2020," said the Head of the Palangka Raya City COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Emi Abriyani, as reported by Antara, Monday, February 1.

Emi ensured that although he did not extend the regulations regarding PPKM or mayor regulation Number 26 concerning Handling COVID-19 and economic recovery, it was not much different.

One of them is about implementing health protocols and regulating operating hours, especially for business actors.

If during PPKM a number of culinary entrepreneurs operate at most until 21.00 WIB, then since the PPKM validity period ends they can operate longer.

"Before the implementation of PPKM, our effective reproduction number reached 1.4 until yesterday or last night the number was 1.06. This means that there is a fairly good decrease in the transmission ratio," he said.

He revealed that justisi's performance during the implementation of PPKM managed to find a number of violations committed by the community, both individuals and business actors.

"Even though the PPKM is not extended, the City Task Force Team will continue to monitor and routinely provide assistance and justice operations regarding the implementation of health protocols," he said.

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