JAKARTA - Rain has flushed most of the Jabodetabek area from Wednesday, February 19 night to Thursday morning. Now, the rain has stopped. However, there is still vigilance of water sent to Jakarta.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said, at 05.00 WIB, the water level in Katulampa Dam, Bogor, West Java, reached 150 cm. This means that Katulampa had entered standby III.

"So, it is estimated that the water will arrive in Jakarta around 2 to 4 o'clock this afternoon. We have informed all the people along the river to be vigilant," Anies said when he was met in the Rawamangun area, East Jakarta, Thursday, February 20.

Fortunately, said Anies, sea level conditions are receding. So, this morning only 8 roads were flooded. Unlike the rain on January 24, 17 roads were flooded due to high tide.

When the tide is high, DKI Water Resources (SDA) officers cannot drain the puddles on the road leading to the river or dam that leads to the sea because the water will return to its original place.

However, currently the water sent from Katulampa Dam which flows into the Ciliwung River this afternoon can be immediately "emptied" into the sea.

Currently, Manggarai Water Gate, South Jakarta, has entered the IV alert status with a water level of 695 cm. This means that the Manggarai Sluice Gate has entered a normal condition.

"The Manggarai floodgate is normal and can be emptied later, so we are ready to anticipate water coming from the upstream area," said Anies.

For information, the heavy rains that displaced Jakarta last night resulted in a number of areas being inundated. Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Data and Information Center M Insaf said that three RWs were inundated at 09.00 WIB.

"There are three RW in the flooded area. One in Kelurahan Kamal and two RW in Kelurahan Rawa Terate," said Insaf when confirmed.

In Kelurahan Kamal, Kalideres, West Jakarta, there is one RW that was flooded, namely in 001 with a height of 5 to 15 cm. Meanwhile, in Rawa Terate Village, Cakung, East Jakarta, the affected areas are RT 016, RW 004 with a height of 10 to 30 cm. Then, at RT 010 RW 005 the water level is 10 to 50 cm.

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