JAKARTA - The private office of former United States President Donald Trump announced the names of two lawyers who will lead the public relations team in the United States Senate impeachment hearing on Sunday local time.

The two names announced are David Schoen and Bruce L. Castor. The two replaced Butch Bowers and Deborah Barbier who resigned last Saturday.

Trump parted ways with Butch Bowers and Deborah Barbier after mutual agreement, due to disagreements between them regarding Trump's case.

"Trump wants his lawyers to prove there is mass fraud and (Trump's) election has been robbed. Not focus on legally punishing a president who has finished his term," a source told CNN.

As previously reported, to face an impeachment trial in the US Senate on February 9, Trump appointed elite lawyer Butch Bowers to defend him against charges of inciting rebellion during the riots on Capitol Hill on January 6.

Trump previously selected Bowers on the recommendation of Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. A number of Republican State Governors who are the same as Trump, used Bowers when facing legal problems.

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