JAKARTA - The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) has raised a discourse that the authority to investigate and investigate cases at the sector police level (Polsek) is abolished. The goal is that the police can prioritize the function of protecting the community.

"This means that the police are more focused on crime prevention, solving problems in society with the community, being closer and being friends with the community," said Komolnas Commissioner Poengky Indarti when contacted by VOI, Thursday, February 20.

According to Poengky, the proposal also intends to prevent or fortify the prosecution of biased cases. This means that there is no wrong step in the attempt to disclose a case. This is because supervision in law enforcement at the police station is still considered weak.

Poengky gave an example of the wrong steps, such as the handling of a case of theft of several sugarcane stalks by a grandmother. Where, the grandmother had to undergo trial and was sentenced to prison.

In fact, the case can be resolved in a family manner without involving or using criminal law. This is because the Police have discretionary authority to settle the case.

"The case should be resolved through restorative justice, rather than being brought to court. Polri has the discretionary authority of the police to resolve small or trivial matters," he added.

Furthermore, Poengky explained the concept of restorative justice which prioritizes a social approach by emphasizing the creation of justice and balance for the perpetrators of criminal acts and their victims. So, to decide a case can be resolved through various approaches first with the related parties.

"Please have a different view. Therefore, further studies are needed by Kompolnas and Polri to consider various aspects," said Poengky.

Confirmed separately, Karo Penmas DivHumas Polri Brigadier General Argo Yuwono said that the action carried out by the police officers was a follow-up to public reports. In addition, he emphasized, if the police level does not take action against cases because the target is being chased.

"The police in their services will receive all reports reported by the public. This is all to build civilization to improve the quality of life of the people," said Argo.

However, Argo said, the National Police welcomed the proposal. Because, it appears to improve the function of the Police in serving the community.

"Of course, this proposal will be studied in more depth, and until now the police are guided by the applicable police law in carrying out their duties," said Yusri.

Previously reported, the Government, through the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, said that it would review the proposal of the National Police Commission (Kompolnas) regarding the elimination of the authority to investigate and investigate cases at the sector police level (Polsek).

The consideration in this proposal is because the action at the police station level is considered to use the target system. That is, many cases or cases that should be resolved by family or restorative justice, and instead use criminal law only to meet the target case disclosure.

"If you do not find a criminal case then it is considered not working. Then (cases) are small which should be resolved with restorative justice, peace and kinship, it should be emphasized, that should be highlighted. So that the police do not look for cases," he said. Mahfud in Jakarta.

The suggestion from Kompolnas, which is also led by Mahfud, is said to be based on the results of long research and research. With this proposal, later on, the police apparatus at the district police level will prioritize restorative justice or settlement out of court.

So, it is more to protect and maintain public order. Meanwhile, handling of criminal cases can later be handled at the district / city police level.

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