JAKARTA - Chairman of Commission D of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Ida Maheasy, asked the DKI Provincial Government to install CCTV cameras as a form of supervision of the UKI Cawang City Forest which had a polemic because it had become the location of the LGBT group association.

According to Ida, the DKI Provincial Government cannot only place officers to protect the city's forests. Given, before this case was crowded, there were no security officers who routinely monitored the city's forest areas.

"There are officers there. Our forest must be maximized so that we don't use things that we don't want. Next, I hope that CCTV in all these forests will be reviewed again, whether CCTV is still active or not," Ida told reporters, Thursday, July 27.

The case of the Cawang City Forests being a hotbed of LGBT was initially revealed by a member of the PDIP faction of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Wa Ode Herlina, who claimed to have received reports from residents.

In reading the results of the second recess in 2023, Wa Ode asked the DKI Provincial Government to carry out surveillance and security in forest areas and city parks because there are frequent crimes and gathering places for LGBT.

After becoming a conversation, the ranks of the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP immediately carried out 24-hour surveillance in the UKI Cawang City Forest area since Tuesday, July 25 evening.

From this condition, Ida asked the public to participate in reporting any suspicious activities at other city forest locations scattered in the capital city so that they can be followed up.

"If we only rely on local governments, we are indeed very difficult, yes. There must be local community participation to help monitor and utilize parks and forests in their respective environments," he said.

The lack of supervision by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government against green open spaces (RTH) is often misused by criminals to immoral acts.

As happened in the Forests of UKI Cawang City, East Jakarta. According to the information gathered, in the Forests of the City of UKI, it is often used as a place for prostitution for same-sex couples.

It appears that the Forest area of UKI City is very quiet and dim because it is covered by tree stockpiling. A lot of dry leaf waste is scattered in the forest area of UKI City, East Jakarta.

The lack of public street lighting (PJU) has made this area misused by a number of unknown people at night.

On the sidelines of piles of garbage and dry leaves, it turns out that a used contraceptive tool (condom) was found scattered in the UKI City Forest area. Allegedly, a number of these condoms were allegedly used by the perpetrators to have sexual intercourse in the UKI City Forest area.

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