JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) said that everyone who participates in the vaccination program will get a reward. This is in accordance with the hadith of the Prophet.

Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH. Cholil Nafis said that in the hadith, it is said that all diseases must have a cure. So that every sick person is asked to undergo treatment.

"Every disease has a cure and please seek treatment but do not seek treatment with what is haram", said Cholil Nafis in the webinar 'Covid-19 Vaccine for Indonesia Rises', Saturday, January 30.

Cholil said that the vaccine that is currently owned by Indonesia, namely the Sinovac vaccine, has also received halal certification from the Indonesian Ulema Coundcil. Thus, it is advised for all Muslims to take vaccines.

"This is what Muslims hold that we still have what is lawful not what is haram because besides we are carrying out the prophet's orders", said Cholil.

"So if the vaccination is intended in the name God, those who take the vaccine will be rewarded", he continued.

In fact, all parties who take part in the vaccination program such as the Indonesian National Army Commander and his staff are a form of worship. Including the government which continues to try to bring in other vaccines to be given to the community.

"The government is carrying out religious teachings. So every second and every moment is worth rewarding in the eyes of God. Because this is the Prophet's command for us to seek treatment. So we cannot just surrender", he said.

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