JAKARTA - General Listyo Sigit Prabowo went on a safari to the largest Islamic organizations after officially serving as the National Police Chief, one of which was to Muhammadiyah Central Leadership. During his visit, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo discussed various things. Starting from the work program to the promises he will do.

The first discussion was about preventing the spread of radicalism. The Muhammadiyah Central Leadership advised the Police to use religious moderation in this matter.

"He said many things. How to face future challenges for our brothers and sisters who might be exposed to certain teachings", said Listyo.

"So, understanding using religious moderation will certainly be much more beneficial than us taking hard approaches", he continued.

Then, on that occasion, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo also invited the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership to cooperate in handling COVID-19. The form of cooperation by providing education to the public is the importance of implementing health protocols.

"Regarding other activities in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, we also want to collaborate with Muhammadiyah Central Leadership. How in the future we can provide education related to enforcement of health protocol issues", he said.

Apart from these two things, Listyo also promised several things to the Muhammadiyah Central Leader. Among other things, it will not process case reports submitted by parties who have taken the name of Muhammadiyah. To realize that promise, he also instructed all staff to do so.

"Anyone who acts on behalf of the Muhammadiyah without being given an official power of attorney from the Muhamadiyah Central Leadership should not be continued", he said

If later a report is found carrying the name of Muhamamdiyah, the Police will confirm the background of the reporter. Thus, preventing profiteering.

"Later we will pay attention to every reporting process that carries or is on behalf of Muhammadiyah, we will cross-check the coordination", he said.

Listyo also instructed all his staff not to hesitate to ask the leadership in processing cases on behalf of Muhamamdiyah.

"If you are in doubt, you can ask colleagues at the Polda, you can go through Muhammadiyah at the provincial level to cross-check, go to the center or if you are in doubt you can ask your main officials at the Headquarters including me. So that it can be clear", he insisted.

Another promise that Listyo made was regarding the handling of cases involving women and children. He said he would commit to paying attention and supervising the handling of the case.

"Moreover, we will pay attention to cases involving women and children. Yesterday it has become our commitment", said Listyo.

This four-star general also mentioned that he would pay attention to gender equality. He opened up opportunities for policewomen who would be placed in strategic positions.

"Even with regard to the rights of women, we are also one of our agenda in the future. In the future there are representatives of our policewomen who can later serve in operations", he said.

In addition, he said, the National Police would also pay attention to persons with disabilities. Attention is shown by opening up opportunities for people with disabilities to become the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) of the Police.

"Including the rights and opportunities for disabilities, we provide opportunities to become civil servants if they really want to. We provide space for equality", he said.

The final promise is regarding of transparency. Listyo said that in carrying out his duties as a law enforcer, the National Police was ready to be criticized. This is proven by establishing a monitoring mechanism that can be accessed by all parties.

"We will open a monitoring mechanism that can be directly accessed by the public", he said.

With this mechanism, said Listyo, the public can immediately report members of the National Police who abuse their authority. In fact, the police will immediately follow up on the report.

This is also an implementation of his work program as the Chief of Police. Where all law enforcement must be carried out transparently.

"Once the service is not good, then the community can then report and it will be responded immediately by the leaders. Then we do evaluation steps, whether we reprimand, fix it, and so on", he said.

"This is part of our commitment, we are ready to be criticized for future improvements in the police force", he continued.

The implementation, said Listyo, is currently still in process. This is because the National Police is also developing an online service mechanism. Thus, preventing the existence of Police personnel who abuse authority.

"We also make that transparent so that more days with the service process we are doing with the online system", he said.

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