Central Java SMKN, which was initiated by Ganjar Pranowo for underprivileged children, turned out to be the past life of the Governor of Central Java who was also not easy when studying. At that time, Ganjar's parents were limited in cost of their daily lives and sent their children to school.

In fact, little Ganjar once sold gasoline on the side of the road to earn additional income so as not to trouble his parents, named Pamuji and Sri Suparmi.

Met after receiving a visit from Central Java Vocational High School alumni at Puri Gedeh, Semarang City, the white-haired man told that the idea of establishing a free school for underprivileged children is a reflection of his past experiencing cost constraints.

"Indeed, my spirit at that time I reflected on myself. When we used to go to school was not easy, then parents couldn't afford it, it was troublesome, didn't have a vehicle, it was expensive, so we had to make the school free, boarding, there was lodging, the food was free," said Ganjar at Puri Gedeh, Monday 24 July.

Until when he was elected as the number one person in Central Java for the first time, Ganjar did not immediately forget his struggles as a child in order to be able to pursue education.

Carrying out the concept of free education specifically for underprivileged children, Ganjar immediately allocated a budget to establish three Central Java Vocational Schools, namely in Purbalingga, Semarang and Pati.

In addition to aiming to eliminate education, Ganjar also seeks poverty alleviation in Central Java through SMKN Central Java to teach his students to be ready-to-work graduates.

"At that time I saw that there was a lot of poverty and then we needed a learning institution that if students go there, go straight out of work, then I said this must be disciplined, this must be good. So I switched several vocational schools, we immediately made boarding schools, we gave a budget," said Ganjar.

Today, a total of 18 Central Java Vocational Schools consisting of 3 boarding schools and 15 semi boarding schools. The 1,837 graduates consist of 3 Central Java Vocational Schools, namely SMKN Central Java Semarang 825 graduates, SMKN Central Java Pati 336 graduates, and 676 graduates from SMKN Central Java Purbalingga.

Efforts to increase the number and quality are still being carried out by Ganjar so that more and more underprivileged children can get equal education, while accelerating poverty reduction in Central Java.

"I am sure, if we record a lot of these, then they are all eliminating poverty in their families. They are the backbone, if we can produce more of these Central Java Vocational Schools, my guess is that those from underprivileged families will be able to be completed quickly," said Ganjar.

Students and graduates of SMKN Central Java are also not inferior in terms of making achievements. Finally, Ganjar graduated from SMKN Central Java in May. They are the 7th generation of SMKN Central Java and as many as 70 percent of them are immediately accepted for work, even accepted at favorite public universities.

"I am actually touched to see that children who have extraordinary enthusiasm with poor family backgrounds, but on the other hand there are teachers who are extraordinary in accompanying children or students who are given access," said Ganjar.

"I am very proud, one has worked 4 years in Japan, one has become Brimob, one has worked at KAI. What I always say, after you are like this, what will you do for your family and your two people," continued Ganjar.

Achievements Of Central Java Vocational High School Graduates: Work Abroad To Become Police Members

Are Rafli Saputro, Dhimas Taufiq Widyanto and Nanda Fatih Rizki Nasarudin, graduates of SMKN Central Java who came to Puri Gedeh to express their gratitude directly to Ganjar and also appreciate the success of Central Java Vocational School which was born to Ganjar.

Rafli is the first batch of SMKN Central Java Pati in 2017. He is a child who had gone viral on social media about his video showing daily activities in Japan and thanking Ganjar for the help of SMKN Central Java he received.

He has worked 4 years in a well-known company, namely PT ItAX Panasonic Japan with an income of no less than IDR 15 million per month. His family and parents have also experienced the success of Rafli by buying land worth IDR 180 million.

Then Dhimas, the second batch of SMKN Central Java Semarang in 2018 who is currently a member of Brimob with the rank of Bripda. Dhimas filled the position of Bintara Logistics Detachment Gegana Satbrimob of the Central Java Police. When he met Ganjar, he was proud to wear the full Brimob uniform.

"This is a meeting of Central Java Vocational High School alumni with our father, Mr. Ganjar Pranowo who has contributed to establishing Central Java Vocational High School for all poor and ill-fated people to attend SMKN Central Java. For his services, thank God, we Central Java Vocational High School alumni have made changes to our lives and our surrounding life has improved and is of higher quality than our past," said Dhimas.

Dhimas comes from an underprivileged family and has been an orphan since he was 2 years old. Since graduating from Central Java Vocational School, he has now turned this unfavorable fate into success.

He has also managed to buy a house for his mother and is able to become the backbone for his brothers and sisters by giving regular monthly money.

"This is how we have changed now because thanks to Central Java Vocational High School, we have become better and more motivated and more advanced and more successful in the future," explained Dhimas.

Apart from Rafli and Dhimas, Nanda, the daughter of the pride of her family, who has succeeded after graduating from SMKN Central Java. Just like Dhimas, Nanda is an orphan and underprivileged who is lucky to enter SMKN Central Java.

He is the 6th batch of SMKN Central Java which was recruited directly by PT Kereta Api Indonesia (KAI) when he graduated. Now, Nanda works at PT KAI DAOP IV Semarang and fills the DAOP Train Secretary Division.

From the results mentioned above, the number of poor people in Central Java has also decreased, along with the large number of Central Java Vocational School graduates who have worked and have a steady income to improve their family's economy.

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