MAKASSAR - The leadership of the NGO Lintas Pemburu Keadilan finally admitted the mistake of members who did not comply with the health protocol which required wearing masks. This apology was conveyed after the video of this NGO member getting angry at BRI security in Makassar went viral on social media.

"We, from the leadership of NGOs across justice hunters, along with staff and their ranks, apologize to President Jokowi for our violation of the health protocol by not wearing masks. To the ministers of health and the National Police and their ranks for yesterday's mistake that raged in front of the BRI office on Jalan Irian Kota. Makassar, "said the leader of the NGO Justice Hunters in a video statement seen by VOI, Friday, January 29.

The apology from the leadership of the Justice Hunter NGO was made at the Wajo Police Station.

"For our mistakes, we apologize to all Indonesian people, to forgive us for our mistakes, arrogance, not because of intent but because it is just one thing," he said.

"To all doctors in Indonesia, our nurses, the leadership of the NGO and their staff, apologize to all Indonesian people as much as we are from the NGOs reporting from the Wajo Police," he continued.

Previously, a viral security video calmly served a man who claimed to be a member of an NGO in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The man admitted that this NGO was angry because he was asked to wear a mask when he entered BRI.

Bank security asked the man to wear a mask according to the health protocol. But instead of being followed, this man continued to get angry.

Calmly, the security forces asked the man to read the rules about wearing a mask.

"Read this first," said the security guard in a video shared on social media.

But male colleagues admit that NGOs do not accept this. "Don't be like that, you are too harsh (at) my leader," said this angry male friend.

Finally there is something to calm this turbulence. The man who claimed to be an NGO then explained that his mask was left behind in the food stall.

Makassar Port Police Chief AKBP M Kadarislam said the incident occurred at BRI Central Market Branch, Jalan Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar.

This incident occurred Thursday, January 28th. The police are ready to handle this case if a report comes in.

"As long as someone is injured, they report that we just need to follow up," said Kadarislam, confirmed by VOI, Friday, January 29.

He reminded all parties to adhere to the provisions of the health protocol to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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