JAKARTA - PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said that the potential for water in Indonesia is quite high, amounting to 2.7 trillion cubic meters / year. Of that volume, he continued, 691 billion cubic meters of water can be utilized / year and 222 billion cubic meters / year has been utilized for various purposes such as household, livestock, fishery and irrigation.

"However, the potential is that big, its existence is not in accordance with space and time, so we need water reservoirs. That way during the rainy season water is collected to be used in the dry season. That is what the dam and embung / setu are for water storage," said Basuki. in a statement quoted Thursday 20 February.

The eight dams are Paselloreng, South Sulawesi; Ladongi, Southeast Sulawesi; Tapin, South Kalimantan; Way Sekampung, Lampung; Kuningan, West Java; and three dams in East Java, namely Bendo, Ponorogo; Tukul, Pacitan; and Gongseng, Bojonegoro.

With the completion of the eight dams, it will increase the number of water reservoirs by 408.89 million cubic meters. The first dam that has been 100 percent completed, is Paselloreng.

This dam has an inundation area of 1,892 hectares with a capacity of 138 million cubic meters to irrigate 8,510 hectares of rice fields. The construction was carried out by PT Wijaya Karya-PT Bumi Karsa, KSO (Joint Operation) at a cost of IDR 753.4 billion.

Meanwhile, the physical progress of the Tukul Dam with a capacity of 8.68 million cubic meters to supply 600 hectares of irrigation and 300 liters of raw water per second is 76.2 percent. The construction of the Tukul Dam began in 2013 to 2020 with the contractor PT Brantas Abipraya amounting to IDR 904 billion.

Meanwhile, the Gongseng Dam, which was built from 2013 to 2020, has a storage capacity of 22.43 million cubic meters. Currently, the construction progress is 76.03 percent.

Furthermore, the Bendo Dam, with a capacity of 43.11 million cubic meters of water, currently has a physical progress of 70.97 percent. Bendo Dam construction carried out by PT. Wijaya Karya, PT Hutama Karya and PT. Nindya Karya (KSO) with a total cost of IDR1,080 trillion.

The Ladongi Dam began construction in 2016 with a capacity of 45.94 million cubic meters and will irrigate 3,604 hectares of irrigated rice fields. Currently, the physical progress is 71.22 percent.

Meanwhile, the Tapin Dam, which has a capacity of 56.77 cubic meters, has reached 95 percent of its construction progress. With the completion of the dam construction, it has the potential to provide irrigation services in Tapin Regency of 5,472 hectares.

The Way Sekampung dam with a capacity of 68 million cubic meters will be utilized for the supply of irrigation water in Sekampung area of 55,373 hectares and add to the irrigation area of DI Rumbia Extension covering 17,334 hectares. Currently, the physical progress has reached 84.50 percent.

Also, the 221-hectare Kuningan Dam which dams the Cikaro River will have a total storage volume of 25.96 million cubic meters, which will be a source of irrigation covering 3,000 hectares of rice fields in two irrigation areas (DI) namely Cileuweung, Kuningan Regency covering an area of 1,000 hectares and Jangkelok, Brebes Regency covering an area of 2,000 hectares. Currently, his physical progress has reached 97.5 percent.

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