YOGYAKARTA Did you know that during the campaign in general elections or elections, parties or election participants could have a campaigner (jurkam). However, there are rules for campaign interpreters that must be obeyed. What are these rules?

In general, campaigners are trusted figures to organize strategies as well as execute efforts related to campaign activities for election participants. The existence of a campaign interpreter is also recognized by the General Elections Commission (KPU), there are even rules related to campaigners.

Quoted from the Indonesian website either, in the General Election Commission Regulation (PKPU) No. 23 of 2018, it is stated that the understanding of a campaign interpreter is a person or group of people appointed to convey whatever the vision, mission, program, and/or self-image of election participants created by campaign implementers.

The campaign interpreter itself is generally chosen by the party. This is as explained in the KPU regulation Article 14 Chapter 3 concerning Campaign Implementation. It is said that the political party administrators of the election participants can appoint campaign interpreters from both the political party administrators or candidates for members of the DPR, as well as the organizers of the activities. Later the campaigners will convey various materials and convey them to the public both in verbal and written form.

The KPU also has rules that must be obeyed by all campaigners when delivering materials in order to campaign for election participants. The regulation is explained in Article 20 and Article 21 of PKPU No. 23 of 2018 concerning General Election Campaigns. The rules that must be adhered to are as follows.

What is often asked by the community is the rule of allowing regional heads or deputy regional heads to become campaign interpreters.

Citing the website of the Directorate General of Politics and General Administration (Polpum) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri), it is stated that regional heads or deputy regional heads are allowed to assist the campaign in accordance with the provisions of Article 281 of Law no. 7 of 2017 concerning Elections

In Article 281 paragraph 1 of the Election Law, it is said that in the campaign that includes state officials of the President, Vice President, Governor, Deputy Governor, Regent, Deputy Regent, Mayor and Deputy Mayor must follow the provisions as follows.

That's information about campaigner rules. Visit VOI.ID to get more interesting information.

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